Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 2, 2017

Photos taken with stolen camera land crooks in jail

CRIME & COURTS / 7 February 2017, 9:26pm
Bert van Hees
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Cape Town – Two men who staged an armed robbery at a home in Montana in Cape Town, on Christmas Day two years ago, were found guilty in the Parow Regional Court on Tuesday of robbery with aggravating circumstances. Before the court were Malusi Tikili, 26, and Cyprian Slaai, 27, who appeared before magistrate Wezile Rixana.

Whilst the wife of the household was watering her garden at 8am that Christmas morning, the two men stopped in a maroon Renault Sandero to ask if she knew of a motor mechanic. She gave them directions to one, but the men returned soon afterwards to ask for water. She went inside to fetch a glass of water, but as she handed the glass to one of the men, he pointed a firearm at her face and the two of them the forced her at gunpoint back into the house. Inside the house, the one hit the husband and son on their heads with the handle of the gun, causing serious gashes.

The man locked the three in a room, then ransacked the house and stole several items including TV sets, a laptop and a camera. They then escaped, one in the maroon Sandero and the other in the couple’s black VW Jetta.

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What eventually brought them to book was Slaai’s eagerness to take photographs of himself and his friends on a beach that same day, with the stolen camera. Unbeknownst to him the camera had a permanent photograph of the female robbery victim that could not be erased.

As it happened, a woman neighbour had seen the maroon car outside the house across the road and, that Sunday at church, she heard about the robbery. She informed the police to be on the lookout for the maroon car.

Soon afterwards, police on patrol spotted the car in question, and followed it to Tikili’s home. In the house, the police found the stolen TV sets as well as the camera. The police examined the camera and found the permanent photograph of the woman, as well as the pictures that Slaai had taken of himself and his friends on the beach.

The police took the camera to the woman, who recognised Slaai as one of the two men who had robbed her and her family.

Both men face minimum sentences of 15 years each, and are to be sentenced on March 2, when prosecutor Daniel Cloete is likely to request minimum sentences, and defence attorney Andre Pienaar is to plead for a less severe sentences.

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African News Agency

Trump's labour pick hired illegal immigrant as housekeeper

TRUMP'S AMERICA / 7 February 2017, 9:42pm
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Then President-elect Donald Trump walks Labor Secretary-designate Andy Puzder. Puzder said that a housekeeper he had previously employed at his home was an undocumented worker, potentially complicating his efforts to get confirmed. File photo: Carolyn Kaster/AP

Washington — Labor Secretary nominee Andrew Puzder acknowledged Tuesday that he had employed a housekeeper who was in the US illegally, putting him again at odds with President Donald Trump's push to keep jobs in American hands.

Puzder said in a statement that he and his wife were unaware the housekeeper was not legally permitted to work in the US during the years they employed her.

"When I learned of her status, we immediately ended her employment and offered her assistance in getting legal status," Puzder said. "We have fully paid back taxes to the IRS and the State of California."

Puzder spokesman George Thompson said Tuesday that the fast food CEO remains committed to becoming secretary of labor and is working on divesting from his financial holdings.

The revelation about the housekeeper has the potential of complicating a confirmation that already has not gone smoothly. Puzder has acknowledged outsourcing CKE Restaurants, Inc.' s technology help desk, the type of practice Trump also derides as being anti-American worker. His confirmation hearing has been delayed at least three times and has not been rescheduled.

But the chairman of the panel holding that hearing says the housekeeper matter is not a hurdle in itself.

"Since Mr. Puzder reported his mistake and voluntarily corrected it, I do not believe that this should disqualify him from being a cabinet secretary," said Sen. Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, who leads the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.

Democrats and their allies have piled on with unflattering stories from workers at Puzder's restaurants, and they question how well he can advocate for American workers given that he opposes a big hike in the minimum wage and other labor priorities.

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"What we have heard is story after story about how he spent his career squeezing workers for profit, leaving many with lost wages, no financial security, and no retirement," said Democratic Sen. Patty Murray of Washington, the ranking Democrat on the Senate committee that will handle Puzder's confirmation hearing. "If Mr. Puzder ever does come before our committee, he's going to have a lot of explaining to do."

Puzder is the second Trump pick whose nomination has faced questions over their hiring of household workers.

Mick Mulvaney, Trump's pick to run the Cabinet-level White House budget office, had acknowledged that he failed to pay more than $15,000 in payroll taxes for a household worker more than a decade ago. He's repaid the government, and those developments do not seem to be impeding his prospects for confirmation.

Trump has blasted, threatened and tried to charm American companies that have moved jobs overseas or consider it, saying he's sticking up for American workers who aren't feeling the economic recovery and form his political base.

The Huffington Post first reported Puzder's disclosure about the housekeeper.

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Associated Press